
Backlash (B&N Exclusive Edition) (Scot Harvath Series #18)


"In ancient texts, there are stories about men who struck from the shadows, seemingly beyond the reach of death itself. These men were considered part angel, part demon. Their loyalty was to their families, their friends, and their kings. You crossed these men at your peril. And once crossed, there was no crossing back ... One man is all three. Two days ago, that man was crossed-- badly. Now, far from home and surrounded by his enemy, Scot Harvath must battle his way out. With no support, no cavalry coming, and no one even aware of where he is, it will take everything he has ever learned to survive. But survival isn"t enough. Harvath wants revenge."--


Editorial: Editorial S/F

Autor: Brad Thor

GÉNERO: Thrillers

CÓDIGO DE BARRAS: 9781982132422

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